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Antes de empezar
• Lávate las manos con jabón durante 20 segundos, como mínimo, antes de limpiar el teléfono.
• Asegúrate de que el teléfono esté desenchufado de cualquier enchufe de pared, base de acoplamiento o conexión por cable.
• Debe quitar la carcasa del teléfono, si usa una.
¿Qué productos no debe usar en su teléfono inteligente o feature phone?
• No utilices geles para manos, toallitas abrasivas o productos químicos (como la lejía y el alcohol puro) para limpiar el teléfono, ya que pueden dañar el revestimiento protector del dispositivo.
• No sumerjas el teléfono en productos de limpieza ni le apliques directamente líquidos limpiadores, ya que esto puede provocar daños al dispositivo.
• Avoid using any abrasive materials that could scratch and damage your mobile phone.
¿Cómo limpiar mi teléfono YEZZ con agua y jabón de manos?
• Lightly wipe your phone with a damp microfibre cloth with water and hand soap watching out not to wipe any liquid into any of the openings.
• Dry your phone with a clean microfibre cloth to ensure no moisture remains, and to ensure any potential marks are removed.
¿Cómo desinfectar y limpiar de forma segura con una toallita con alcohol?
• Using a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, lightly wipe your phone while avoiding any open ports or openings. These should be available from most pharmacies depending on stock.
• Wipe your handset with a clean microfibre cloth to ensure no moisture is present, and to remove any potential marks
Aplicaciones y configuración de aplicaciones
Dirígete a Ajustes > Apps y notificaciones y selecciona la aplicación que deseas detener. Luego presiona Forzar detención.
Ir al menú de Ajustes > Apps y notificaciones, selecciona la aplicación y presiona la opción Desinstalar.
Accede al menú de Ajuste de tu móvil y, a continuación, selecciona Apps y notificaciones. Luego, localiza la aplicación que tiene el problema y selecciona Forzar detención.
Es posible cerrar una aplicación o todas las aplicaciones en tu móvil.
Cerrar una aplicación: en la pantalla de inicio, presione el símbolo cuadrado en la pantalla y deslice hacia arriba la aplicación que desea cerrar, como si la estuviera arrojando fuera de la pantalla
Cerrar todas las aplicaciones: desde la pantalla de inicio, presionar el simbolo cuadrado que se muestra en la pantalla de tu móvil y, a continuación, desliza tu dedo de izquierda a derecha. En la parte izquierda, toca Borrar todo. Nota: Aunque no cierres aplicaciones, Android las gestiona automáticamente para que no te quedes sin memoria ni batería.
Vaya a Configuración> Aplicaciones y notificaciones> Ver todas las aplicaciones. Elija una aplicación de la lista, luego> Almacenamiento> Borrar caché.
Presione Play Store > Menú > Mis apps y juego > Ir a la pestaña Instaladas, elija una aplicación que desee eliminar y luego presione Desinstalar.
Como alternativa, abra el menú de aplicaciones, mantenga presionada la aplicación que desea desinstalar y arrastre la aplicación hacia arriba > presione Desinstalar.
También puedes, abrir el menú de aplicaciones, mantenga presionada la aplicación que desea desinstalar, después seleccione Información de la aplicación > Desinstalar.
You can change permissions for a single app. On your phone, open the Settings app > Apps & notifications > Tap the app you want to change, if you can't find it, first tap See all apps or App info > Advanced > Permission manager > Deny or allow.
Batería y carga
El ahorro de batería desactiva o restringe la actividad en segundo plano, algunos actividades en segundo plano, algunos efectos visuales y otras funciones que consumen mucha energía para extender la duración de la batería.
Ir a Ajuste > Batería > Ahorro de energía > Activar ahora.
Navegue a Ajuste > Batería > Porcentaje de batería, presione el cursor para activar la función.
Extiende la vida de la batería
Para ahorrar energía:
1. Asegúrese de cargar siempre la batería por completo cada vez.
2. You can silence unnecessary sounds, as Silencia los sonidos innecesarios, as Dial pad tones. Go to Settings >Sound > Advanced > under Other sounds and vibrations, select the sounds you want to keep.
Our YEZZ devices have dial pad tones and touch sound disabled by default.
3. Utilice auriculares en lugar del altavoz.
4. Set the phone screen to switch off after a short time. Go to Settings > Display > Advanced > Screen timeout > Select the time.
The screen of our YEZZ devices turn off after 1 minute of inactivity.
5. Make sure that Adaptive brightness is disabled. Go to Settings > Display > Adaptative brightness.
6. Stop apps from running in the background.
7. Active Bluetooth on only when needed.
En primer lugar, asegúrate de que el problema no se deba a la fuente o la toma de corriente que estás utilizando. Puedes comprobarlo conectando tu móvil a otra toma para ver si carga. Si el problema no está en la toma de corriente, examina el cable de alimentación o el puerto de carga de tu móvil y asegúrate de que estén en buen estado. A continuación, prueba a apagar completamente el móvil y conectarlo a la toma (ten en cuenta que si la batería está totalmente agotada, podrían transcurrir hasta 2 o 3 minutos antes de que comience la carga).
It is normal for the phone to become warm sometimes during charging or when the phone is being used extensively (multiple apps are in use, long videos, gaming etc.). Please contact support if the problem persists, particularly if it happens outside the kind of use mentioned above.
During extended operation, the device may feel warm. In most cases, this is normal. To avoid getting too warm, the device may automatically slow down, dim display during a video call, close apps, switch off charging, and if necessary, switch itself off. If the device is not working properly, take it to the nearest authorized service facility
ART1 Pro uses the faster and more efficient Type C cable – as such, it is not compatible with Micro USB cables.
We recommend using the in-box Type C charging cable that came with your ART 1 Pro. If you want to use a third-party charging cable, ensure that it is a Type C cable.
For now, none of our models supports the fast charge function.
Charging protection is enabled during low or high temperatures –this is to ensure the battery performs optimally and safely. To continue charging at normal speeds, please move y camera and photos our phone to a room-temperature environment.
You can follow below actions to make phone return to normal temperature: 1) It is suggested not to expose your phone in the sunshine for long time; 2) Close large power consumption applications; 3) Reduce the brightness of screen to lower the temperature.
Cámara y fotos
The YEZZ smartphone uses files and the default gallery is Google Photos. All your photos are stored there by default.
Archivos y almacenamiento
Insert the micro SD card in your device. Power on and follow the instructions to install it.
Before removing the SD card from the phone, it is recommended that you unmount the SD card first. Removing the card without unmounting it can result in data loss.Go to Settings > Device > Storage > Eject to unmount the SD card > You can now remove the SD card from the phone.
Please note that if any of your apps have used the SD card to store data, these apps may not work correctly when the card has been unmounted.
You can use a USB cable to move photos, music, and other files between your computer and phone.
With a USB cable, connect your YEZZ phone to your computer > On your phone, tap the "Charging this device via USB" notification > Under "Use USB for," select File Transfer
A file transfer window will open on your computer. Use it to drag files When you're done, eject your phone from Windows. Unplug the USB cable.
Go to Settings > Storage , here you can see the storage of your phone and your SD card.
As is the case with most smartphones, some storage space is taken up by the operating system and pre-installed apps.
Go to Settings > System > Backup > Back up now.
GPS, Bluetooth y otras conexiones
Go to Settings > Location > Use location.
To connect Bluetooth, select Settings > Connected devices > Activate Bluetooth > Pair new device and choose the device you want to connect and pair. Make sure you use the same password. To transfer files via Bluetooth, select File manage and press the file you want to send. Select Share icon > Bluetooth and select paired device. A pop up will appear on the paired device to confirm the file transfer.
Go to Settings > Connected devices > Connection preferences > Cast.
Soporte e información del dispositivo
Press and hold the power button for a moment. Then Reboot option will appear.
If the phone hangs frequently, you should perform a hardware reset. To do this, press the volume down key and the power key together for 10 seconds. The phone will vibrate then restart. A hardware reset will not delete any user data.
If your phone is unresponsive, you can perform a “soft reset” by pressing the volume up key and the power button simultaneously for about 15 seconds (or until phone vibrates). Your phone should then restart momentarily. This is a safe and quick way to reboot your device without losing or erasing any data.
Go to Settings > About phone and choose IMEI Information. Dial * # 06 # on from phone as though you were calling a telephone number. The IMEI should automatically pop up.
Es normal que se caliente a veces durante la carga o cuando se somete a un uso intensivo (varias aplicaciones en uso, vídeos de larga duración, juegos, etc.). Ponte en contacto con el departamento de soporte si el problema persiste, en especial si se produce cuando no estés usando el móvil de forma intensiva.
It is normal for the phone to become warm sometimes during charging or when the phone is being used extensively (multiple apps are in use, long videos, gaming etc.). Please contact support if the problem persists, particularly if it happens outside the kind of use mentioned above.
If you’ve decided to factory reset Android, the most user-friendly way to do it is through the Settings. First, make sure the device is plugged in or has enough battery to go through the reboot process. Open the Settings app > System > Expand the menu by hitting Advanced > Go into Reset options > Hit Erase all data (factory reset) > Tap on Erase all data > Enter your PIN if prompted > Select Erase all data and let the phone do its thing.
With Android 5.1, Google introduced Device Protection to prevent unauthorized use of you device.
This feature makes it difficult for anyone to data wipe, reset and re-use your device without access to your Google Account credentials.
To remove this feature all you have to do is remove your Google Accounts from your phone.
Open the Settings menu on your phone > Find the Accounts option > Under Accounts, select Google > Now select Remove Account > Repeat steps 4 to 6 till all Google Accounts have been removed from your device.
Remember, removing an account does not delete any data from your Google Account, your device will simply stop syncing data.
You should also clear or remove the lock pattern: Settings> Security> Screen lock> Enter your device PIN> None.
Please note: a hard reset will completely erase all the data, settings and content on your smartphone, returning it to the original factory settings.
We advise that you back up your device before a hard reset.
To reset your smartphone and erase all its content, first make sure your phone is connected to a power source.
We also recommend that your battery is at least 50% charged when you perform a hard reset.
First, switch off your device > Now hold the power button and Volume up button altogether until you receive the option of bootloader > Now in bootloader menu, use the volume up or down buttons to select different options and use power button to enter or select > Here select 'Recovery Mode'> Now you can see the words ‘no command’ in black screen > You have to press and hold the power button. Now press and release the volume up button but continue to hold power button. After this, you can see a list with option of Wipe data / factory reset.
Alternatively, you can also perform a hard reset by tapping Settings > Backup & Reset > Factory data reset > Reset phone > Erase everything.
Configuración de idioma y entrada
Go to Settings > System > Languages & input > Add a language to the list and select your preference.
To change the primary language, you need to drag a different preferred language to the top.
Go to Settings > System > Languages & input > Virtual keyboard > Gboard > Text correction > Disable Auto-correction option.
Go to Settings > Sound > Advanced > Touch vibration.
Redes, WiFi y datos móviles
Go to Settings > Tap Network & Internet > Activate Wi-Fi and select Wi-Fi networks.
Important: Our models with Android 10 version allow you to scan the QR code to join a Wi-Fi network.
Go to Settings > Network & Internet & tethering > Wi-Fi hotspot >. Activate the option and set a password.
Seguridad y privacidad
If you lose your phone, you may be able to find, lock or erase it remotely if you have signed in to a Google Account.
Find My Device is on by default for phones associated with a Google Account.
Go to Settings > Security > Find my device > Your device will shows you three ways to locate your Android device.
If you forget the code and your phone is locked, your phone will require service. Additional charges may apply and all the personal data on your phone may be deleted. For more information, contact the nearest care point for your phone or your phone dealer.
Screen pinning is a feature of Android devices that enables the user to only show a specific app screen. This means all other functions of the phone are locked, apart from the one app that is pinned.
Go to Settings > Security > Advanced > Screen pinning >Activate the option.
To pin an app to the screen:
Enable Pin windows > Open an app > Pres the Recents Key > Tap the top button of the app you want to keep on the screen.
To manage fingerprints, navigate to Tap Settings > Security > Fingerprint.
Open the Settings menu > Privacy & Security > Screen lock.
In short, Smart Lock keeps Android devices unlocked when they're in your pocket or you're close to home, or in another trusted location.
Go to Settings > Security > Enter your screen lock pin, pattern, or password > Select the option depending on your preference.
Software y Actualizaciones
Go to Settings > System > Wireless update > Checking for updates. If there is a software version available for your YEZZ device, the update will start.
To check the software version, Go to Settings > System > Wireless update > Checking for updates. If there is a software version available for your YEZZ device, the update will start.
The time it takes for the OTA update to complete depends on the size of the update. It is best to run the update when you have good signal strength.
1. Run the update
2. The phone will restart and the screen will only display a window for some time
If there is no change on the screen for several minutes:
1. Press the volume-up and power keys together and hold for 10 seconds - this will force the phone to restart
2. When the phone has rebooted, head to Settings > About phone > Software Update and try to install the update again
Please contact customer service if the problem persists.
Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) is a Mobile Software Management (MSM) technology in which the operating firmware of a mobile device is wirelessly upgraded and updated by its manufacturer. FOTA-capable phones download upgrades directly from the service provider.
The latest security patches for your Android smartphone are delivered as quickly as possible.However, there are several factors that can affect when you receive an update such as model, location, region, and Google's monthly security patch release announcement.
Users are reminded that all Maintenance and Security Patch releases should be accepted as soon as possible to help ensure a smooth Android experience.
Go to Settings > System > Advanced > Wireless update > Checking updated.
No, it is not possible to update the Android OS version on your YEZZ device.However, we are always working to ensure the delivery of security and maintenance patches for your Android version to improve your experience.
Tonos de llamada y configuraciones de personalización.
Go to Settings> Sound> Phone ringtone > Add ringtone > Find and choose the ringtone of your choice> OK.
Go to Settings > Sound> Phone ringtone and choose the ringtone of your preference > OK.
Go to the Contacts app > open the contact > Select Menu icon (three dots in the upper right corner, then Set ringtone > Choose the ringtone of your preference > Ok.
• Apps Folder: For your convenience, there are several applications that are grouped into a folder on the main Home screen.
From a Home screen, touch and hold an app icon > Drag the shortcut onto another app shortcut and release > Enter a folder name > Touch Back of your screen. A folder is created with the shortcuts inside.
• App shortcuts: Shortcuts to your favorite applications.
• Apps screen: Allows quick access to all of your applications.
From app list > Touch the Apps icon to display the apps drawer > Long-press the app icon you want to add to the Home screen > Drag the app to the Home screen page, lifting your finger to place the app.Choose the app from app list and Drag.
• Widget: Self-contained application that runs on the Home screen (not a shortcut).To configure the widget: Touch and hold an empty space on the screen, then touch Widgets> Touch and hold a widget, drag it to a home screen, and drop it.
Go to Settings > Accesibility > Front size > Use the slider and sample text to choose your desired font size.
Swipe down from top of the screen to open the task bar >Drag it down again and tap the pen icon. You can now drop and drag the icons of the features you want available on the task bar.
Multimedia y otras características
To take a screenshot, press and hold the power button> press the screenshot option. You can view images taken in files app. An alternative to taking a screenshot is by pressing the volume down button and the power button.
Press a volume key on the side of your phone to see the volume status bar> Enter the settings icon and adjust the volume control slider.
From your Home screen, tap on the Recent Apps button in the bottom right corner, which is represented by a square shape > In Recent Apps, locate the app you want to use in split screen. Tap split screen of the top button of the app > Tap on the other app you want to use in split screen.